DevOps lacks a fixed definition as it’s not a workflow or framework. Rather, DevOps is a shift of culture to make businesses more adaptive to changes.
DevOps is essentially about bringing together the development and the operations teams in a software development firm.
Both teams collaborate to eliminate silos and strive for quicker innovation adoption.
Under a DevOps culture, your dev team writes codes with the production environment in mind. As a result, the whole team is responsible for performance and efficiency.
DevOps helps dev and operations work together, deploy apps faster, make changes without disruption, and recover faster. You can create a product resilient to the risks that haunt software companies.
Now, let’s see how exactly DevOps is responsible for business growth.
Deliver Software Faster, Safer, and Reliably
DevOps can help you streamline workflow, make iterations shorter, and increase responsiveness. Through technologies like Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), a DevOps partner can help you improve performance and productivity.
DevOps is integral to every business value stream, and for that reason, DevOps is fundamental to Safe. DevOps is not only about business operations and development, but you are expected to release value, like compliance, security, legal, marketing, and audit.
Concerning reliable software, you will have the opportunity of working with customers in implementing the culture of DevOps in your organization. The culture is achieved by using the software tailored towards the specific needs of the company. Examples of the tools include Bitbucket for versioning, Ansible for configuration and management of servers, Docker for continuous deployment, and GIT for version control.
In the environment of DevOps, the complexity of problem resolution is low because changes are frequently made even if they are in smaller batches. An example of the problem resolution promoted by DevOps is Telemetry, which is an automated system for collecting real-time data.
>Telemetry helps with a quick assessment of the impact brought by frequent application changes. Problem resolution also happens faster since no team will want to wait for another group to troubleshoot and fix the widespread problem. Imperatively, you can implement telemetry to collect automatic data on the solution’s technical and business performance.
Above all, business data should be transparent, visualized, meaningful, and accessible to everyone. Perhaps, that is how problems and trends can easily be spotted.